OID Add Instance

In this post, I will cover how to add an instance of OID to an existing installation of OID home

Instance addition is slightly different from OVD instance addition as you would notice from my previous post here.

My existing OID setup was 


C:\Oracle\Middleware\asinst_2\bin>opmnctl.bat createcomponent  -componentName oi
d2 -componentType OID -adminPort 7002 -Db_info "localhost:1521:orcl.mydomain.com

Command requires login to weblogic admin server (Deepak-PC.mydomain.com):
  Username: weblogic

Creating empty component directories...Done
Provisioning OID files for oid2
  OID onCreate....

Enter ODS password:
  Validating OID input parameters
Enter ODSSM password:
Enter OID admin password:
  Creating wallet and tnsnames.ora for OID
  Adding configuration entry for OID
  Updating opmn.xml with OID snippet
  Updating component-logs.xml with OID name
  Setting proxy mbean properties
Registering oid2 component
Command succeeded.

                                                                                                                                                             Start all the servers and check the status


Login to ODSM


i ran into below issue while doing the same on some other environment.

Mar 28, 2014 12:40:30 PM oracle.as.config.provisioner.InstallerCmdLine handleRunFailure
SEVERE: Command failed:
oracle.as.config.ProvisionException: Exception in onCreate()
at oracle.iam.management.oid.install.wls.OIDComponent.onCreate(OIDComponent.java:235)
at oracle.as.config.impl.OracleASComponentBaseImpl.createComponent(OracleASComponentBaseImpl.java:596)
at oracle.as.config.impl.OracleASComponentBaseImpl.create(OracleASComponentBaseImpl.java:105)
at oracle.as.config.provisioner.commands.CreateComponentCommand.execute(CreateComponentCommand.java:31)
at oracle.as.config.provisioner.InstallerCmdLine.run(InstallerCmdLine.java:146)
at oracle.as.config.provisioner.InstallerCmdLine.main(InstallerCmdLine.java:46)
Caused by: oracle.as.config.ProvisionException: Error checking schema Version :
at oracle.iam.management.oid.install.wls.OIDComponentHelper.isUpgrade(OIDComponentHelper.java:2522)
at oracle.iam.management.oid.install.wls.OIDComponent.onCreate(OIDComponent.java:128)
... 5 more
Caused by: oracle.as.config.ProvisionException: Missing Schema_Version_Registry or App_Registry table in DB
at oracle.iam.management.oid.install.wls.OIDComponentHelper.isUpgrade(OIDComponentHelper.java:2517)
... 6 more

Oracle Internet Directory (OID) schema checking in the metadata repository database failed.


Ensure that the OID schema is properly loaded in the database either using the FMW 11g Repository Creation Utility (RCU) or the FMW 11g Identity Management (IM) installer.
Run the following SQL queries in the database and ensure that only one row is returned in both the SQL queries.  Log into the Database as Schema ODS.

SELECT rowid, comp_id FROM schema_version_registry WHERE comp_Id = 'OID';

SELECT * FROM all_objects WHERE object_name='SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY' AND object_type='VIEW';

If the results are not the expected results, then there are two alternate ways to fix the issue:
Option 1
1. Drop the OID schema using the RCU and recreate it. See the following documentation:

Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
2.4 Dropping Schemas
2. Retry the OID installation using the FMW 11g IM installer.
Option 2
Check permissions for ODS schema.
select  GRANTEE, PRIVILEGE, table_name  from dba_tab_privs  where grantee ='ODS';

----------- -------------- ------------------

If this query returns no rows, grant the following permissions and retry

connect as sys
grant select on schema_version_registry to ods;
grant execute on dbms_job to ods;
FMW 11g OID Schema Version Check Failure During Install (Doc ID 1096055.1)

Update 2:-

I had to change the port number of OID port after createcomponent.

This can be done through /em console but the console was loading was very slow.

so used some other alternative 

$ ./opmnctl updatecomponentregistration -componentType OID -componentName oid4 -Port 17390 -Sport 17637

 restarted the OID 2

that did not work

change the port number directly in OID ldap instance data.

port numbers are saved in orclsslPort and orclnonsslport attributes of OID instance. You can change here directly and restart the component

opmnctl stopproc ias-component=oid2
opmnctl startproc ias-component=oid2 


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