Virtual Box Network Settings IP Assignment


  1. Use host adapter (Using host adapter does not allow you to connect to the internet)
  2. You can communicate to other VMs in the same host
  3. and you can communicate to host from the guest
  4. Check for IP address by running ifconfig command in the terminal window 
  5. Set Up NAT to access the internet - Accessing the internet is essesntion while performing the Social lab

Access guest from host

  1. The host adapter interface is set up with IP address
  2. This IP address is mapped to the host name
  3. To access all apps in the guest image from your laptop/desktop modify your hosts file (Linux /etc/hosts and Windows c:\windiows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) with the value
  4. Please note you should be having root/administrator privileges to carry out the above 


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